Over the course of 16 months, Lotte van Raalte photographed 46 women, aged 13 to 94, in their most natural form. The result is the launch of her first photography book, ‘BODY’.
BODY is a documentation of the observant photographer’s encounters with these women – a celebration of individuality, life and the beauty found in both vulnerability and strength. An ode to the female body.
Design - Merel van den Berg, text - Lou Stoppard, printing - Lenoirschuring, pages - 160, dimensions - 22 x 30 x 2cm, edition of 750
Athenaeum boekhandel (sold out)
Artibooks (sold out)
MENDO books (sold out)
Stedelijk museum (sold out)
Huis Marseille (sold out)
Artwords bookshop London (sold out)
tipi bookshop (sold out)
Yvon Lambert (sold out)
do you read me?! (sold out)